initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Rowan 2024-12-12 23:18:43 -06:00
commit a74802b55e
3 changed files with 498 additions and 0 deletions

nine/package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"name": "nine",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"start": "node src/index.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"description": ""

nine/src/automaton.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
const seek = value => () => value
export const Seek = Object.freeze({
Left: seek(-1),
Right: seek(1),
Stay: seek(0),
First: reader => -reader.position,
Last: reader => (reader.length - 1) - reader.position,
JumpFromStack: reader => {
const state = reader.pop()
return state.position - reader.position
SeekFromStack: consuming => reader => {
const position = (consuming ? reader.peek() : reader.pop()).position
return position - reader.position
export const Predicate = Object.freeze({
AnyOf: (...symbols) => b => symbols.includes(b.symbol),
Every: (...fns) => x => fns.every(fn => fn(x)),
Equals: a => b => a === b.symbol,
False: () => false,
InBounds: direction => reader => reader.inBounds(reader.position + direction()),
Not: fn => x => !fn(x),
Number: x => !isNaN(x.symbol),
OutOfBounds: direction => reader => !Predicate.InBounds(direction)(reader),
Some: (...fns) => x => fns.some(fn => fn(x)),
True: () => true,
const tee = fn => x => {
return x.symbol
export const Replace = Object.freeze({
Seq: (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((_acc, fn) => fn(x), x.symbol),
With: x => () => x,
Nothing: x => x.symbol,
Push: x => {
return x.symbol
Pop: x => x.pop(),
Swap: x => {
const tmp = x.pop()
return tmp.symbol
ClearStack: tee(x => x.clear()),
FromStack: x => x.peek().symbol,
Tee: tee
class Head {
#position = 0
get position() { return this.#position }
left() { this.move(Left) }
right() { this.move(Right) }
move(value) { this.#position += value }
read(tape) {
write(tape, value) {
tape.write(this.#position, value)
export class Tape {
constructor(input) {
this.#value = Array.isArray(input) ? input : input.split('')
get value() { return this.#value }
get length() { return this.#value.length }
at(n) {
return this.value[n]
write(n, value) {
this.#value[n] = value
export class Rule {
constructor(from, to, predicate, replaceSymbol, action) {
this.fromState = from
this.toState = to
this.predicate = predicate
this.replaceSymbol = replaceSymbol
this.action = action
static is(from, to, currentSymbol, nextSymbol, action) {
return new Rule(
export class Rules {
#rules = new Map()
constructor(rules) {
this.#firstState = rules[0]
get firstState() { return this.#firstState }
#initialize(rules) {
rules.forEach(rule => {
const transition = this.#rules.get(rule.fromState)
if (transition) {
} else {
this.#rules.set(rule.fromState, [rule])
get(state, reader) {
return this.#rules.get(state)?.find(rule => rule.predicate(reader)) ?? false
class ReaderState {
constructor(position, symbol) {
this.position = position
this.symbol = symbol
static from(reader) {
return new ReaderState(reader.position, reader.symbol)
class Iterator extends Array {
#index = 0
done() {
return this.length === 0 || this.#index === this.length - 1
peek() {
return this[this.#index]
next() {
return this[this.#index++]
take(n) {
const result = []
while (!this.done() && n--) {
return result
skip(n) {
return this
takeUntil(fn) {
const result = []
let c = 0
while (!this.done() && this.peek() && !fn(this.peek())) {
return result
skipUntil(fn) {
return this
export class Reader {
#stack = []
constructor(head, tape) {
this.#head = head
this.#tape = tape
get head() { return this.#head }
get tape() { return this.#tape }
get stack() { return Iterator.from(this.#stack) }
get position() {
return this.#head.position
get length() {
return this.#tape.length
get symbol() {
clear() {
this.#stack.length = 0
inBounds(index) {
return index >= 0 && index <= this.length - 1
push(x = ReaderState.from(this)) {
pop() {
return this.#stack.pop()
peek() {
return this.#stack[this.#stack.length - 1]
const colors = {
brightWhite: [97, 107],
brightCyan: [96, 106],
brightMagenta: [95, 105],
brightBlue: [94, 104],
brightYellow: [93, 103],
brightGreen: [92, 102],
brightRed: [91, 101],
brightBlack: [90, 100],
white: [37, 47],
cyan: [36, 46],
magenta: [35, 45],
blue: [34, 44],
yellow: [33, 43],
green: [32, 42],
red: [31, 41],
black: [30, 40],
const color = (code, t) => {
if (Array.isArray(code)) {
return code.reduce((acc, c) => color(c, acc), t)
return `\x1b[${code}m${t}` + (t.endsWith(reset) ? '' : reset)
const reset = '\x1b[0m'
//const color = t => `\x1b[44m\x1b[93m${t}\x1b[0m`
const highlight = (i, arr, col = colors.cyan, spaces = 0) => {
const a = arr.slice()
const len = a[i].length
a[i] = color(col, a[i])
const diff = a[i].length - len
//console.log(a[i].length, len, diff, spaces)
a[i] = a[i].padEnd(spaces + diff)
return a
const range = n => [...Array(n).keys()]
export class TuringMachine {
#head = new Head()
constructor(tape, rules, initialState = rules.firstState.fromState, debug = false) {
this.tape = tape
this.debug = debug
this.#rules = rules
this.#state = initialState
this.#reader = new Reader(this.#head, this.tape)
get state() { return this.#state }
get value() { return this.tape.value }
display(rule, next) {
console.log(this.#state, '->', rule.toState, '(', this.#reader.symbol, '->', next, ')')
const length = this.tape.length
const spaces = length.toString().length + 1
console.log(highlight(this.#reader.position, this.value, [1, 2, 4,[1], colors.yellow[0]], spaces).join(' '.repeat(spaces)))
const numbers = range(this.tape.length).map(String)
const highlighted = highlight(this.#reader.position, numbers, [1, 7], spaces + 3).map(x => x.padEnd(spaces + 1, ' ')).join('')
step(rule) {
const next = rule.replaceSymbol(this.#reader)
if (this.debug) {
this.display(rule, next)
if (next) {
this.#head.write(this.tape, next)
this.#state = rule.toState
next() {
return this.#rules.get(this.#state, this.#reader)
exec() {
let next
while (next = {

nine/src/index.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { resolve } from 'node:path'
import { Rules, Rule, Predicate, Replace, Tape, TuringMachine, Seek } from './automaton.js'
const { First, Last, Left, Right, Stay, SeekFromStack, JumpFromStack } = Seek
const { ClearStack, Nothing, Push, Seq, Swap, With } = Replace
const { InBounds, Not, OutOfBounds, True } = Predicate
const State = Object.freeze({
Start: 'start',
ScanRight: 'scan-right',
FindFile: 'find-file',
ScanLeft: 'scan-left',
FindSpace: 'find-space',
ClearFile: 'clear-file',
const IsFreeSpace = Predicate.Equals('.')
const IsNotFree = Not(IsFreeSpace)
const IsFartherRight = x => x.peek().position <= x.position
const dot = ch => ch.symbol === '.'
const notDot = ch => !dot(ch)
const TrySkipFiles = x => {
const stack = x.stack.slice()
const a = stack.skipUntil(dot).takeUntil(notDot)
const skip = !stack.done()
//console.log(a, 'skipping?', skip, !stack.done())
return skip
const FirstOrStack = x => {
// unwind the stack
const states = []
let next
while (next = x.pop()) {
if (next.position < x.position) {
} else {
next = null
// rewind it
let tmp
while (tmp = states.pop()) {
return next ? next : First(x)
//return x.peek() ? x.pop().position : First(x)
const TrySkipping = Seq(InBounds(Right), TrySkipFiles)
const HasMoreFiles = x => {
const stack = x.stack.slice()
return !stack.done()
const ShouldContinue = Predicate.Every(OutOfBounds(Right), HasMoreFiles)
// | From | To | Condition | Next Character | Move Direction |
// | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// new Rule('q0', 'q1', reader => reader.symbol === '1', (_reader) => '0', 1)
const rules = new Rules([
new Rule(State.Start, State.ScanRight, True, Nothing, Right),
new Rule(State.ScanRight, State.FindFile, TrySkipping, ClearStack, Last),
new Rule(State.ScanRight, State.FindFile, ShouldContinue, ClearStack, Stay),
new Rule(State.ScanRight, State.ScanRight, InBounds(Right), Push, Right),
new Rule(State.FindFile, State.ScanLeft, IsNotFree, Seq(ClearStack, Push), Stay),
new Rule(State.FindFile, State.FindFile, IsFreeSpace, Nothing, Left),
new Rule(State.ScanLeft, State.ScanLeft, InBounds(Left), Nothing, FirstOrStack),
new Rule(State.ScanLeft, State.FindSpace, OutOfBounds(Left), Nothing, Stay),
new Rule(State.FindSpace, State.ScanRight, IsFartherRight, ClearStack, Right),
new Rule(State.FindSpace, State.ClearFile, IsFreeSpace, Swap, JumpFromStack),
new Rule(State.FindSpace, State.FindSpace, InBounds(Right), Nothing, Right),
new Rule(State.ClearFile, State.ScanRight, True, With('.'), SeekFromStack(false)),
const char = x => String.fromCodePoint(x)
const toInt = x => x.codePointAt() - 32
const repeat = (n, value) => value.repeat(n)
const expand = input => {
return input.split('').reduce((acc, n, i) => {
if (i % 2) {
return acc.concat(repeat(n, char(46)))
} else {
return acc.concat(repeat(n, char((i / 2) + 32)))
}, '')
const compress = input => {
const tape = new Tape(input)
const tm = new TuringMachine(tape, rules)
tm.debug = false
return tm.value
const notFree = ch => ch !== '.'
const mul = (a, b) => a * b
const add = (a, b) => a + b
const checksum = input => input.filter(notFree).map(toInt).map(mul).reduce(add)
const main = input => {
const expanded = expand(input)
const compressed = compress(expanded)
const sum = checksum(compressed)
return sum
const tests = [
['2333133121414131402', 1928],
['1010101010101010101010', 385],
['111111111111111111111', 290],
['10101010101010101010101', 506],
['90909', 486]
tests.forEach(([input, expected]) => {
console.log(`input length is ${input.length}`)
const result = main(input)
console.log(result === expected, result)
//readFile(resolve('./input'), { encoding: 'utf8' })
// .then(x => {
// console.log(`input length is ${x.length}`)
// return main(x)
// })
// .then(console.log)