{% extends "../layouts/page.html" %} {% import "../layouts/macros.html" as macros %} {% block head %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ macros::message(text="i'm rowan. my pronouns are she/her and it/its.", classes="right", avatar="/static/img/pfp64.webp") }} {{ macros::message(text="i'm a creator and artist. i make music, stories, video games and use any medium that seems interesting to me.", classes="right", avatar="/static/img/pfp64.webp") }} {{ macros::message(text="my two main projects are immersive sims set in a near-future scifi setting. eventually, i'll provide public information about these two games. i'm disabled and easily discouraged so my work is slow.", classes="right", avatar="/static/img/pfp64.webp") }} {{ macros::message(text="other things i like are ", classes="right", avatar="/static/img/pfp64.webp") }} {{ macros::message(text="okay but when are you releasing a new game", reversed=false, classes="accent left", avatar="/static/img/anon.png") }} {{ macros::message(text=" ", classes="right", avatar="/static/img/pfp64.webp") }} {% endblock %}